7th Edition Eldar 1500 Points

7th Edition Eldar 1500 Points

Could not resist the Eldar.  I put together a 1500 point list for 7th edition.  I want to finish my Alatioc army hobby wise.  A list at 1500 points leaves me room to expand the army keeping in mind any new changes I might see with the new rule set.HQ...

Random though with new 40k edition

Sitting down on a lunch break and a thought struck me.  What if 7th edition embraces common war gear as seen in fantasy.  It would go a long way to bring some ballance between all the seperate codecies.  The psychic phase may just be one of many fantasy...
New Rules = New USR’s

New Rules = New USR’s

7th edition appears to be around the corner.  While I'm excited to see the changes I'm putting the brakes on my 40k hobby.  I think I will wait until the dust settles with the new rules before I start thinking about how to move forward with my armies....
Seth and the Crimson Reaper

Seth and the Crimson Reaper

Its been some time since I last posted.  Not much to report on any hobby progress.  Except that I've picked up a knight!  I'm back on the fluff band wagon, this time I've returned to the Flesh Tearers.  I've decided the above knight will be the...
Still Dithering

Still Dithering

After picking up the latest white dwarf I'm more enamored with the knight model than ever.  I'm not going to pick one up but I eagerly anticipate facing off against it on the table.  As for dithering... still no painting but I have worked on a 1500 point...