1850 Plastic Eldar Army

1850 Plastic Eldar Army

I've laid out my Eldar army at a standard game size of 1850.  Still not painting but to be fair I was occupied watching Canada take a gold medal for hockey this last week.  The list:HQ:Farseer - spear, rowSpiritseerTroops:5 avengers2 x 10 avengers - serpent,...
Stalled Progress

Stalled Progress

Work took me away from the hobby a couple of weeks ago and I'm having difficulty getting back into the swing of things.  I have 2k lizardmen largely built and ready to play.  As a result I want to get some games in in lue of painting.  I also have a...
Fine tuning Lizardmen at 2k

Fine tuning Lizardmen at 2k

Not much done last while.  Was at function for work last weekend so little progress (actually, no hobby time).  Looking forward to dwarf release.  Also I've fine tunned my 2k list.  Dropped the cube of darkness and picked up channelling staff for...
Lizardmen Rule of Cool part 2

Lizardmen Rule of Cool part 2

Changing up the 2k list some more.  Chamo skinks are awesome and all but the models I have are used with someone elses paint job.  Can't seem to get behind the unit because of this.  So I put together the skink priest and a terradon model.  Going...
First game at 2k with lizardmen

First game at 2k with lizardmen

So I had a chance to run the previous list last night.  Not a full fledged battle report just a few notes on how it performed.-scarnosaur needs charmed shield and ironcurse token.  Opponents turn one my carnosaur took a cannon shot that did 5...