2k Lizardmen With 3 Monsters

2k Lizardmen With 3 Monsters

This is the list I'm going to bring for my next game tonight.LordSlann - life, bsb, channelling staff, harmonic convergence, becalming cognitionHeroScarvet - carnosaur, la, gwCore24 saurus - full command, spears3 x 10 skirmishersSpecial7 chamo skinks20 temple guard -...
2k List Almost Built

2k List Almost Built

Put the remaining skink squad and the bastilidon together last night.  I'm good to test the list out for Monday.  I want to finish painting the first rank of temple guard before Monday so at least the temple guard will have the illusion of being...
Lizardmen Rule of Cool

Lizardmen Rule of Cool

Changed up my 2k list a bit.  Taking no salamanders and 5 chamo skinks.  Have the points to buy bastilidon.   Also have 10 points left over to give the scarvet charmed shield and ironcurse icon.  Salamanders are the better choice but it would...
2k Lizardman List With Carnosaur

2k Lizardman List With Carnosaur

I've had a couple games now at 1500 points.  It's time to up the anti play at the 2k level.  Putting the carnosayr together last night I want to try it out.  Probably won't make the cut but I at least need ti try it out.  The List:Lord:Slann -...
Mat Spray Applied To Dipped Temple Guard

Mat Spray Applied To Dipped Temple Guard

I applied the mat spray.  Probably should have waited untill morning as there is some slight bubbling.  Still though, I'm happy with result.  It's full steam ahead for the rest of the squad.