Pre Dip Temple Guard

Pre Dip Temple Guard

Ready to dip test model.  I went with silver rather than gold for the metalic bits.  I figure gold would compete with the orange shields.   Going to paint the embeded slann orange as well to tie whole army together.  Thinking a base coat of...
1850 Escalation Chaos Marines List

1850 Escalation Chaos Marines List

Love or hate escalation it is now part of the game.  With that in mind I've been looking at my current options to try out the new rule set.  I'm not to keen on ordering a forge world model for my Eldar list mainly due wanting a plastic army.  With the...
Bring on the Nids

Bring on the Nids

Nids could not appear on the scene at a better time as far as I'm concerned.  Going to get some narrative games under my belt.  My Iyanden army is moving forward at a good rate.  Although just a prime on the models, it is one step further to completing...