Working away at Iyanden

Working away at Iyanden

Started putting wraith blades together, they look deadly.  As I'm wont to do I've been rethinking my list. Because I'm not taking two squads of bog standard wraithguard I'm wondering if I need the farseer.  2 HQ's is a lot of points when I have so few models...
Almost There: 1250 Iyanden Starter List

Almost There: 1250 Iyanden Starter List

I've settled on my 1250 list and have begun getting it assembled.  As you can see in the photo above it is very minimal.  I will build play and paint this list to get a feel for what is needed to expand it.  Here we go:HQ:FarseerSpirit Seer -...
Trouble Building Iyanden List

Trouble Building Iyanden List

So I really want to build an Iyanden list.  The problem is I don't know how to go about doing it.  What I do know is that I wan't a variety of different wraith units in the army.  As it stands I have 30 wraith guard, 2 wraith lords, the wraith knight...
Asurmen Death Star

Asurmen Death Star

So I've been messing around some more with army builds to try out.  The shinny thing that has captured my attention lately is Asurmen.  Not a big fan of the model but I think as a beat stick he is fairly good.  I want to run him with a bunch of psychic...
Project Alaitoc

Project Alaitoc

Been awhile since my last post.  Have not been in the hobby much with work and enjoying the summer.   Winter is coming so I figure I should have more time for the hobby.  In the mean time I've been struggling to come up with my Eldar army.  When...