Taking out Gabriel Seth for a spin.

Taking out Gabriel Seth for a spin.

Going down to my local game store tonight.  Going to take Seth out for a spin.  Here is the list using as many painted models as possible:HQ:SethElite:Priest: - power axeTroops:10 Tac Squad - flamer, missile launcher, rhino10 Assault Squad - 2 melta guns,...

Returning to the Flesh Tearers

I don't know why but I've a hankering to return to the Flesh Tearers.  Must be underdog syndrome.  I think because the army did not transition as well to 6th edition as others that there is more freedom to take a fun list.  No problem then to have Seth...

Iyanden Paint Scheme

I finished my test model and can say I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.  Only big problem I see is drybrushing the gun.  Becasue I apply 2 spray coats of primer (white then yellow) the model gets a textured feal to it.  Makes it impossible to...