First Loss With Eldar

Had another game against Raven Wing last night.  This time I did not steal initiative.  He hit my lines hard knocking out 2 wave serpents and pinning one squad.  Being put on the defensive turn one, I screwed up my target priority with him breathing...

Eldar 1850 Tournament List

I've never really been all that interested in tournaments.  Usually there are 2-5 decent ones in my neck of the woods a year.  I've gone only to watch other players but never felt the desire to play myself.  That's all changed though with the recent...

Dreaming of Iyanden

I started putting my unit of wraithguard together and have instantly fell in love with the models.  Very dynamic and individual.  I'm giving some serious thought to starting an Iyanden army.  Painting wise I think If I use the same blue and yellow...

Game 3 with Eldar

Got my third game in with my 1250 Eldar list.  Did not make changes with Rangers as I forgot to pack the models.  Played another Raven Wing army (different player).  The above photo is his 1250 list.  He is also a strong player at my local game...

Refining my Eldar list

As always I've got the Eldar on my mind these days.  With a couple of games under my belt I thought I would turn my mind to fine tuning the list at 1500 points.  The place where I think I should change up the army is with the falcon.  There is a lot of...