Starting A Plastic Eldar Army…

Excitement is building with the new codex around the corner.  Now that I've succumbed to my low will power I believe its full steam ahead to building a plastic Eldar Army (bought the one click launch).  Above is the foundation that I plan to build from....

White Dwarf Confirms Crimson Hunter Has Vector Dancer?

Just a brief observation but it appears the Eldar Crimson Hunter has vector dancer.  Looking at the photo cells depicting ends of turns 2 (page 63 cell 7) and 3 (page 64 cell 2), it is fairly clear that the aspect jet fighter has made a lateral move and is still...

The Eldar Tally

In preparation of the new codex, I've pulled out the majority of my Eldar models.  I have a bag full of additional mini's that date back to rogue trader but I plan to save those for a potential corsair list I have been dreaming up.  At any rate I've been...

1850 Plastic Eldar Army

As I feverishly try and paint up my chaos marines I cannot help but ponder how my Eldar army will look in one months time.  Goal is to go to 1850 pronto with an all plastic army (only exception will be finecast HQ's).  So looking at what I have to work with...