Wave Crush: 2000 Point Ynnari 8th Edition List

Watched a couple of battle reports and had some more time to digest the new rules for 8th.  Came up with a 2000 point list that I think will be very strong for new edition.  A nice bonus is that the army is few in models and well on the way to being painted....

1850 Eldar Iyanden 8th Edition

I've had some time to digest the leaked rules and put a list together I want to try out (hopefully this Wednesday).Vanguard Detachment:HQ:SpiritseerElite:2 x 5 Wraithguard - wraithcannons5 Wraithguard - d-scythes, wave serpent (underslung shuriken cannon, twin link...

First squad for 8th edition completed

First squad is done and time to move on to another unit.  Over all a bit sloppy and plenty of room for improvement, but table top worthy.  Not to sure on the base colour used.  Think next unit I will go with a less redish brown.  Guns are ok but...

8th Edition Iyanden Combat Patrol

I can't believe I've started painting again.  Man its been awhile.  8th edition has me fired up.  I put together 500 points of Iyanden (points likely to change with 8th) using a combat patrol detachment. Bring on the new edition!Hobby wise, I've come up...