New 1750 SM list.

This is what 1750 points gets you in new SM codex...1 captain1 chaplain6 tac squads with lascannon, razor back with lascannon2 assault bikes with multi melta2 devistator squads with lascannons, razorbacks with lascannons2 dread with multi meltas2 hunters2...

Bad Ass 1250 Point Pure Blood Angels

Rather than working on my army for the escalation tourny I've been assembling a pure Blood Angels list.  Got carried away with wanting to start painting a new project fresh.  Really looking forward to building and painting the above army.  I need to...

Archangels 1rst Company

While working on my flesh tearers I caught the 40k bug.  I want to build a proper blood angel detachment to go along with my tearers.  Loving new librarian and new blood angel terminator skulpts.  Just picked up a furioso dread to go along with my...

650 Flesh Tearers Rebased

Plugging away.  Rebased my old marines to the new standard.  Looking good I must say.  It was touch and go with a couple of them and some toes were lost to the warp.  Not sure how I want to base them.  Likely will use the GW material. ...