1250 Blood Angels Almost Built.

New highlander list nearly built.  Love the new tac squads.  I'm going to rebase whole army when 32 mil bases become available.   Very fast hard hitting army.   Looking forward to starting the  tourny.   I think my first...

Flesh Tearer Exterminatus 1500 Points

After reading exterminatus I want to try out the following list.Lord of war:-Seth.HQ:-Librarian.Elite:-9 death company - 2 power swords, powerfist.-Death company dread - claws.Troop:-5 man tac squad - heavy flamer, rhino.Fast:-3 x 5 assault squad - rhino, 2 melta...

Highlander Flesh Tearer Army: 1250 Points

Joined a 1250 point Highlander tournament for the new year.  The Above is the army and these are the rules:Rules for the tourney league.3 game random draw round robin to determine rankings. Lists may be changed from game to game.Everyone makes playoffs. Play...

New Flesh Tearers

Oh Christmas has come early.  With all the rumours flying I've cobbled together an army of existing models on the eve of a new codex.  Lord of War:SethHQ:LibrarianElite:Death Company DreadDeath Company × 10:  power fist, power swords x 2Troops:3 x...
Dark Iyandin

Dark Iyandin

Looking over new Dark Eldar this weekend.  More with an eye to to bolstering my ghost warriors.  I like that a raider can be taken in fast attack.  At 1500 points I would like to try the following.HQ: Spirit seerTroops: 10 Wraithguard5 Wraithguard,...