Rogue Stars…First Project of 2017

For the first project of 2017, I've decided to build some models for a ruleset I picked up over the holidays: Rogue Stars from Osprey.Rogue Stars is a Sci-Fi skirmish game based around 3 to 6 figures that uses a mission/location/complication generator to create...

Painting is a 4-Letter Word…Episode 2

Here is the audio capture from our December painting night. In it, you'll get the latest opinions on the state of the hobby and gaming community from Mike Sawada, Ward Kapach, Tom Carter, Steven Lind, Barry Gergel, and myself.Painting is a 4-Letter Word is intended to...

Dropzone Buildings from Blotz

With my recent interest in Dropzone Commander, I figured it was time to start into some 10mm city terrain. I ordered a set of MDF buildings from Blotz in the UK, and they arrived just in time for Christmas. Here are the first four painted up (includes a...

Dropzone Commander…First Units

My buddy Elliot recently came into a large lot of Dropzone Commander miniatures. I traded him for a Scourge starter army, and painted it this past week.This is the ground-based counterpart to the Scourge fleet ships I painted up for Dropfleet Commander last month....

The Bagshot Gutsplitters: My Skaven Blood Bowl Team

Blood Bowl! With the new edition just out, I felt it was time to get into this classic game. I picked up the Skaven team box...and a week later, here's what's skittering off the painting table.Nice models, easy to assemble, and pretty quick to paint up. A really nice...