Mummy Princess Bust

First project off the table in 2019 is this Mummy Princess Bust from Black Heart. It's the movie character from last year's disastrous Mummy film with Tom Cruise. I was looking for a quick change of pace after all the 40K and Shadespire painting I've been doing...

Deathwatch Kill Team Complete

As the year draws to a close, I finally finished my Deathwatch Kill Team 12-man campaign roster. I'd completed 5 of these guys finished the last 7 today.And here they are. Team now includes 2 Primaris figures: one Intercessor and one Reaver.Well, a fun...

Traitor Guardsmen from Blackstone Fortress

I'm currently painting up the Blackstone Fortress set from GW. Here are the 14 Traitor Guardsmen from the box.Great set of figures. Excellent poses and lots of character. The whole set is good.'Til next time.

Stormsire’s Cursebreakers

Just completed the Stormsire's Cursebreakers warband for Nightvault. Actually, these are the first Stormiest figures I've ever completed (started many for AoS).Nice figures, as expected from the Underworlds series. Lots of great animation (particularly cloth...

Magore’s Fiends

I started playing Shadespire again. The new Nightvault edition of Warhammer Underworlds has invigorated the game environment. I looked through the available warbands, and decided to put together a Fiends deck. I was able to assemble and paint the Fiends...