Catching Up On Some Terrain Pieces

Hello!I haven't posted for a while. I've been slogging away on a couple of large projects...all having to do with Kill Team terrain. First off, I wanted to paint a Kill Team board. I started with this section of the Realms of Battle board. It's 2' x 2'...and it took...

Deathwatch Figures for Kill Team

All right. Time to get some Kill Team on the game table.My first set of models for KT is this group of Deathwatch figures. To get the black armor, I sprayed Oil Discharge (a dark blue-black) Ghost Tint over silver. Then a final coat of Nuln Oil was sprayed over top of...

Ten Hellblasters

I'm re-working my Dark Angels list for the LVO tourney coming next February. Should be a little more competitive. We'll see, as I start playing the list this Fall.First off the table is a squad of 10 Hellblasters.Now that I've got this paint scheme down, the units are...

Aggressors and Inceptors

It was raining today, so I was able to finish off some figures on the hobby table.Today, we have Dark Angel Aggressors and Inceptors. First, the Aggressors. Love these models. Lots of wires and hoses on the backs of the figures to keep them visually interesting from...

Weathering a Servohauler

This sweet little model is one of the ski-fi tractors in the Galvanic Servohauler boxed set from Games Workshop. I really liked this guy, so I thought I'd spend some extra time on it and turn it into another sic-fi vehicle weathering tutorial.Assembly is first, and...