Orcs for Shadespire

Shadespire continues to dominate my painting table.This week I was able to get the Orc warband out.A lot of my friends have painted their Orcs up with black and/or yellow armor. So I went natural, dirty and rusted metal for mine. Nothing special, but they get the job...

Skaven for Shadespire

Shadespire continues to be my favourite boardgames release for the past year. I've been picking up the expansions as they've been released. A couple of weeks back, the Skaven warband came out, and I was very excited to get my hands on themAs I've come to expect from...

Skaven for Shadespire

Shadespire continues to be my favourite boardgames release for the past year. I've been picking up the expansions as they've been released. A couple of weeks back, the Skaven warband came out, and I was very excited to get my hands on themAs I've come to expect from...

Doom Commission Complete

My first commission (pro bono) is compete. These are figures from the Doom boardgames, painted for a co-worker. They are not quite what I'd call good table-top quality; speed was the most important factor in getting these done. But I am happy with the result, given...

Doom Commission?

A co-worker asked me if I'd paint some boardgames pieces for her. I said sure. So, the game is Doom, and I started with 4 sample pieces just to see if the style was what she was looking for.First, prime and highlight for pre-shading.Next, some airbrushed colors to get...