

I'm Back From the Dead! Only, I really wasn't dead.Yes, I know it’s been awhile since I posted anything.  A lot has come and gone since I last posted.  Dwarfs were released.  The Community was shocked with the invention of a whole new faction (for...
Skaven Screaming Bell Landship – UPDATE

Skaven Screaming Bell Landship – UPDATE

Lately, with the weather being crap, I've managed to find plenty of time to work on my latest Skaven project, the Screaming Bell Landship.  So for once I've managed meaningful progress in only a few short days.  So without being too wordy... let's take a...
Warhammer, Infinity, Historicals – OH MY!

Warhammer, Infinity, Historicals – OH MY!

This should just be a quick progress update.  Lately I've had a little more time to work on hobby stuff so I've finally restarted work I began earlier in the year.  I've promised myself that by in the next few months I will have all of these projects...
War and  Empire – 15mm Kickstarter Up and Running!

War and Empire – 15mm Kickstarter Up and Running!

Many readers may remember my commitment to get involved in 15mm historical games.  Since then I've bought rulebooks and miniatures and let them languish.  However West Wind Productions has started a Kickstarter project to create a new line of Ancients...
Infinity – The Background Episode

Infinity – The Background Episode

My last post went over how a new player could get started with Infinity.  The article largely focused on buying miniatures, the first game, and generally where to access information about Infinity.  This week I want to concentrate on the background....