Contest Reminder!

Well I'm back from my work trip and I just wanted to post a reminder about my contest to win a 6th edition rulebook!  Entries close tonight at 11:59PM (so right before midnight).  This is Central Time by the way... so GMT -6 for anyone overseas, etc.Vist my...

Chrono’s Corner – Contest & Other Things

This week will be a mish-mash of stuff in a single post so bear with me and keep reading.  I've been stressed with work and I am travelling next week and that explains the weak blog presence.   First up we have my current projects and my progress on said...

The Tactica – Skaven part IV – Characters

Alright, so we are back to looking at Skaven today.  This post will take a peek at the Skaven leaders, those lords and heroes that aspiring rat generals choose to lead their armies.  The characters chosen for a Skaven army really set the overall tone for the...

40k 6th Edition – An Eldar Perspective

My last post gave a general overview of what I felt where the important changes made in 6th Edition 40k.  Now this post will turn my gaze towards a specific army, namely my favorite, Eldar.  How did 6th edition affect the Craftworld Eldar?  What about...

Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition – An Introspection

The book has a lot of new artworkWell this week has proved to be one of most unique occurrence.  At work as well as at home I received some uniquely disturbing and tragic news relating to friends, the weather here in the midwest has been sweltering at 100°+...