Getting started with Infinity

Getting started with Infinity

Last time I focused on why my attentions are steering away from Warhammer 40k.  So what have I been working on in the meantime?  Well I still have a focus on Warhammer Fantasy and I'm working on gearing up for Adepticon with a new list that (hopefully) fixes...
40k 6th Edition – Eldar Codex – My Perspective

40k 6th Edition – Eldar Codex – My Perspective

This article has been a long time coming as I’ve experienced many personal delays and I took a long time to form a solid opinion about the individual pieces of the Eldar Codex and the whole codex itself.  I’ve played Eldar since 1992.  They were the first...
Skaven vs Warriors of Chaos – A Tale of 2500 Points

Skaven vs Warriors of Chaos – A Tale of 2500 Points

After Adepticon this year I decided that while my list was pretty good, it needed some tweaks.  I identified a number of poor performers and some areas where the list needed improvement.  In addition to all this I came up with a great idea for a centerpiece...

Adapting the Hobby to Life Changes

As I announced a little over a month ago my wife and I recently had our first child.  Now, children, especially babies, take a lot of time and care and that usually comes straight out of hobby-time first.  This can be a sizeable adjustment for those who...

A Journey Down Kickstarter Lane

Last August/September I embarked on a journey that many hobbyists have since taken as well, a Kickstarter Campaign!  This one in particular was the Reaper Bones kickstarter that offered an absurd number of miniatures for a modest price.  Seriously, the...