Adepticon – Warhammer Fantasy – Analysis

In my last post I gave a brief summary of my Adepticon Fantasy Championship Tournament experience.  I gave a short summary of each game, my opponents, the scenario, and the atmosphere.  Today I'd like to go into more detail on the games, the scenarios, and...

Adepticon – Results!

I'm back from Adepticon and sitting back and relaxing after a long weekend packed of Warhammer Fantasy.  Overall the experience was enjoyable as usual and it was nice to see some old friends that I haven't seen in ages.  The vendor hall was packed, the halls...

Road to Adepticon – On the Road Again!

Just a quick post here.  I'm finally departing for Adepticon in about 5 minutes.  When I arrive in Chicago and get checked in I'll start setting up my army for tomorrow.  I'll try and take some pictures of the completed display once I have everything...

Preparing for Adepticon – Nearing the Finishline

Only a week and a half until Adepticon and I'm still cranking away at my Skaven.  I'm happy to report that my Skaven force is 100% painted.  Many people would leave the army alone at this point other than basing or painting the bases.  However, a great...

Warhammer Fantasy – Quick Battle Report

As I mentioned earlier in the week I really wanted to play against Vampire Counts to increase my awareness of them and how they operate.  I originally planned to play a game last weekend, but that didn't happen.  Fortunately I was able to play tonight and...