Adepticon Update – Plague Monk Edition

Welcome back to another installment of, "Chronowraith Goes Crazy Painting Rats"!  I managed to finish off my unit of 40 plague monks and my giant rats this past week so that means my count of models to paint for Adepticon finally fell below triple digits!...

Adepticon Update & Other things

So a few updates and announcements in what will otherwise be a brief post (well, as brief as my usually verbose self can be).  Currently we are only 10 weeks from Adepticon and I've been painting like mad to finish off my Skaven army for the Fantasy...

Hobby – Quick Skaven Update

Just a quick update since it has been exactly two weeks since I last posted.  This week I have my latest model completed for my Adepticon 2013 army, the Hellpit Abomination.  With this addition that means all of my rare choices are complete!  So follow...

Hobby – Skaven Update – Grey Seer

As most people who read my blog already know, I'm preparing for Adepticon's WFB tournament in April.  I still have quite a bit to paint but I figured I'd post my latest work, my Grey Seer.  He isn't 100% finished quite yet (as made evident by the blu-tack...