Legion Damned again, and Batrep!

Welcome back for another batrep and update! This weeks battle report had me and Bam both using marines, my Evandalists and Bams Silver Skulls, versus Ryans Space Wolves and Aluns Eldar. 1k each player and capture the Relic! We won deployment and first turn and took...

Latest and Space Marine Codex

Ok so first of all, lets talk about the SM Codex. Rumours are starting to come out that it'll be out on September the 7th, which is making me excited! New suits of armour, 'Dreadmarine' has even been mentioned. While all this is awesome, if the date is true its all...

Apoc, Batrep, and Overdue Update!

Well, its been a wee while! I've got a few battle reports backdated but thought I'd post the latest as it was a nice little game against advesary Adam, mongeror of filth, and now also is known to call upon the power of the WAAAGHH!!!. The reason for my ineptitude to...

No Quarter: Biggest Game Yet!

It been a while, but I've been a busy lad over the last couple of weeks with an enormous amount of work to get done! However, to make up for this here is a guest post by Huw Williams, with details on how his game, No Quarter, went on our last all dayer less than a...

Iyanden Supplement. Retro.

While much furore has been made over Games Workshops release of the Iyanden Supplement, I happen to think its a decent idea. Ok, so the price is a little steep but I presume theres a lot in there for dedicated collectors of the Iyanden Craftworld to garner from. In...