by Kevinmcd28 | Sep 13, 2013
Ok so since the Skies Booklet release I have always wanted to run a Vanilla Skies list made up of 3 storm ravens and 3 storm talons. I feel this book makes this list more viable. Is it my tournament army out of the gun? No but I feel it eould be competitive. So here...
by Kevinmcd28 | Sep 8, 2013
If you were to ask me a year ago what was wrong with the Vanilla Marines codex I would have told you three things. 1. Everything in it you can do better in another codex 2. Everything is cheaper the newer Marine Codex you use. 3. The Actual army lacks flavor overall....
by Kevinmcd28 | Aug 30, 2013
Current Standings 1 W Alan Bajramovic Illinois Tau Empire Eldar 30 0 2 W Adam Tricola Colorado Delusions of Grandeur Grey Knights Tau Empire 37 0 3 W Ben Mohlie Virginia Necrons Orks 23 0 4 W Eric Hoerger Virginia Beltway Gamers Eldar 23 0 5 W Brad Townsend Minnesota...
by Kevinmcd28 | Aug 29, 2013
Round One is over and guess what 16/32 armies are tau or eldar or a combo of both...surprising?Round one standings with armies and BP's scored, interesting mix as 9 of 16 winning armies are tau or eldar (surprising?) but 7/16 losers are tau/eldar so there is...
by Kevinmcd28 | Aug 29, 2013
So the 11th Company will be live streaming the top table for the invitational and Open all weekend in Ustream. Here is the link. I'm not at Tacticon I will be jumping in and out of the stream chat