New Space Marine Codex Rules! and thoughts on them

Hey all Kevin for two posts in one night! Wow that's not my average lately haha....Anyway to take some time off from Eldar, like my 11th Company blog post here on Wave Serpents tonight, here is the latest batch of my real Main Army. followed up with my thoughts...

Finding the Competitive Edge: Eldar in Tournament List Builds

So a month and a half later (Which is apparently 7-10 business days) I got my laptop back, unfortunately its still crashing every 20 minutes and they didn't even fix it.  So while I have it I think I would like to chime in on Eldar in a competitive sense as I...

New Eldar Rules:The Competitive Edge

Hey all Kevin here getting back to my Competitive Edge article series writing. So with the book in a few hands lets go break down what Eldar will need to do to get the competitive edge in 40k.I will probably follow this up with a more in depth view of the codex when...

Blogger Legal Wars Episode II: The Foam Strikes Back!

(The Internets current opinion on this topic ^ not mine)OK all, so the summer is around the corner and since I will be stuck up in the boonies in Northern Maine without a gaming outlet I will probably write on the blog a little more often. Hopefully more on...