by Kevinmcd28 | Jan 21, 2013
What everyone I talk to online thinks of my rules arguements haha ;)gone back and retracted this months ago on the podcast since everyone was so butt hurt over it. I was reading engaged as being a requirement to be locked from overwatch but my play group and I were...
by Kevinmcd28 | Jan 15, 2013
Hey all, so the new DA came out and its very different than we thought it would be. It is a very solid codex with a lot of buffs and de-buffs (which I like). I cannot use them at Templecon like I originally planned but I am noticing a similar list concept in Dark...
by Kevinmcd28 | Jan 8, 2013
Hey all, so this is starting to look like a cool month for 40k. First up on the block is Dark Angels coming out this Friday now I am still holding out that like the chaos codex somehow it will magically appear online a little early since I personally cant...
by Kevinmcd28 | Dec 25, 2012
Hey all and Happy Holidays. I just put my vampires up on ebay for bid. Its a very large army and a good deal. I do not really want to get rid of them and hope to get a new fantasy army sometime over the next year but unfortunatly to be able to have a chance to improve...
by Kevinmcd28 | Dec 20, 2012
Even with the picture below Blackmoore is off denying its complete thats a anyway on to the real talk....Out of left field we have Jeremy Vetock as our head writer who has only ever written fantasy books 9notably skaven with work on ogres...