Are Deathwing the Shiz?

Hey all, its been awhile I know. Unfortunatly after a doubles tournament the other week I came home to find my aparment broken into with my pocket change, pillow case and laptop stolen. Somehow of the 4 people living there I was the only person to get robbed (ugh)....

Support kittens! buy my warhammer stuff!

Ok Guys I quit my job and am looking at selling off some things I have no chance of ever using, most of which its all still on sprue untouched! So I am selling (all on sprue except for metal  high elves)20x mantic ghouls, make great zombies for...

Selling off some minitures still on sprue and then some

With news of online retail giants folding and hostile take overs of chief competition buzzing around the web I have decided to sell some miniatures sitting still in box on the shelf collecting dust! Instead of doing my normal Ebay I am using a new...

The Issue of Convenience

Hey all, so it's time to talk about an issue with allies. Which is if you are not battle brothers is it even really worth it, and if it can be how. So most competitive pundits will probably say no to the prior so it makes awnsering the latter the real issue.It comes...