More Pootling

As I predicted, I decided to take things pretty easy over the last week or so. All I did hobby-wise last week was finally spray up my Titanicus accessories: Only took me three years! Seems a little thing, but it feels so good to have finally gotten it done. I was...

Big Squig Energy

I really need to stop doubting my painting abilities so much. I only went and nabbed another Best Painted!  I was pretty shocked tbh. I really didn't think my Cirith Ungol were anywhere near as good as my Hobbits, but clearly they impressed people, so I can't...

A week of actual gaming!

I've had a pretty good week in the hobby. After being ridiculously busy for the last few months, I've finally gotten a week's holiday so I've actually had a chance to grab some long-overdue games. On Monday I managed to fit in the latest episode in our local...

A splurge of progress

It's that time again where I make excuses for why I haven't posted for a while. I'll be honest, I've just been incredibly lazy when it comes to keeping the blog updated. I've been pretty busy hobby-wise though.For a start, I finally finished Bozrog! I actually got him...

Pootling along

I've been taking things pretty easy this week. I didn't get a chance to paint up Bozrog like I wanted to, but still got something done: Da Blue Baron! The first what's likely to be be fair number of Buggies going into my Ork list and a real pleasure to paint....