Books and Hobbits

It's not often I cover news on here. Quite frankly, my erratic posting schedule would make that a bit of an exercise in futility. The latest release from GW has gotten me ridiculously excited though.  Quest of the Ringbearer is up for preorder this weekend. Its...

Indomitus stuff

Considering how excited I was about 9th Edition 40k and the Indomitus box, you may be wondering why I haven't posted about anything since release.Well the recent heatwave was part of it. For a while it was just way too hot to even think about sitting down to hobby....

Making Progress

I recently found myself with five days off with nothing to do. That in itself was a shock tbh, as I've been working way too much over the course of Lockdown.'Great!' I said to myself 'I can get loads of hobby done.'I should have known better. It turned out to be way...

Building a Board

I really should know better by now than to say I'll blog more. I've been pretty busy hobby-wise over the past couple of weeks, but I've had very little energy to put a post together. Better late than never, I suppose! Last time I talked about how I was thinking...

Getting a grip

I've been bouncing between projects so much recently, I'm surprised I don't have whiplash!Lockdown really hasn't been good for my focus at all. I've just been flitting between projects almost at random, not completing any of them, whilst also buying way too many...