
That's the sound of my painting points being shattered into a thousand pieces!To cut a long story short, whilst everyone's been getting excited about the reveal of 9th Ed 40k, I've veered off in a completely different direction.My hobby motivation has very much come...

Projects between projects

Carrying on from my last post, I'm really starting to get back into the swing of things. I'm still plugging away at my Emperor's Children, but I've got some other bits to show you.I actually did these over the course of the past few weeks but I forgot to talk about...

A little bit of craziness.

I started lockdown in a really productive mood. I was posting on here more or less daily and I churned out a ridiculous amount of progress in a short space of time. I think I might have burned myself out a little though, asI've entered a bit of a slump for the last...

Clearing the Decks.

After my last post, I'm looking seriously at how to organise and carry out my Inquisition project. Before I do that though I figured I should start clearing my desk of my current work in progress.Naturally for me that includes a load of Middle Earth stuff, so I set to...

A Brace of Aragorns and a Gun Girl

That sounds like the setup to a bad joke, but it pretty accurately sums up my hobby progress over the last few days.With GW and most other hobby outlets battening down the hatches for the time being, there's no better time to be making some headway on my pile of...