Hobby Season

I'm starting to get the sense that this whole Social Distancing thing is going to push my posting schedule through the roof. If nothing else, it'll encourage me back into the habit of writing my blog regularly again, which isn't a bad thing. At the rate I'm going...

Nurgle-y goodness

I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about sickness atm, what with everything going on. For me though, living on my own and the lack of external activity going on has given me a chance to get on with hobby projects. I haven't been forced to isolate yet luckily, but I...

Battle Companies and Fell Beast

"I should be back to posting regularly soon".Those words always seem to come back to haunt me, To be fair, posting about once a month is more regular than I've been at certain times in the past, but it's not quite what I had in mind.Part of the reason of the slight...

Elves and Event.

It's the start of February and I finally have some finished models for 2020 to show you. It's certainly been a slower pace than 2019 but I like to think it as quality over quantity.I managed to get my Wood Elves finished for my event last weekend. I didn't get a...

Elf Things

It's the third week of January and I've yet to complete a model this year. After being so massively productive last year, this feels very unnatural to me.Luckily this state of affairs shouldn't last much longer. I'm in the final stages of preparing my Mirkwood army...