Quick and easy terrain

It's funny what can be inspiring sometimes. For most people (myself included), seeing a well painted or converted model can inspire them to make something similar, or perhaps a particularly nice piece of terrain might spark off an idea for a project. This time though,...

A Primarch and a bit

I haven't posted much  over the last few weeks. Real life has just gotten in the way a little. To make up for it, here's one hell of a progress post for you. I managed to get Horus finished on Monday night!He took far less time than I expected to get done. I...

Distractions within distractions

Here's a project I wasn't expecting to do. Well that's not strictly true, I've been planning this guy for a while, but I was planning to hold off on doing it until I'd finished Horus and a few other bits.But when I sat down to do some hobbying yesterday, this kind of...

Detour into Necromunda

I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to do some Necromunda side-projects, so I figured I'd tell you a bit about those.I really need a little break from painting endless power armour, so I sat down and got a bit of painting done on my Slaaneshi cultists. The rules...

A Terminator-y kind of post

I was planning to put up a few discussion posts alongside some hobby progress over the past few weeks, but work's gotten a little crazy recently so I unfortunately didn't get the time to sit down and write anything. Hopefully I'll be able to sort something out...