Slaaneshi Side Project

In my last post I was feeling pretty positive about my painting points. I should have known it wouldn't last. I went down to my local gaming shop for my 30k campaign game on Monday night, not intending to buy any models. I picked up White Dwarf while I was there and...

Speeder done

Just a quick one today. I managed to get the Land Speeder done yesterday, including applying transfers:Considering how little enthusiasm I had for working on it, I actually think it hasn't turned out too bad. It's far from my best work by a long shot, but it's...

Annoying Land Speeder

I don't know what it is about this model, but it's really starting to bug me. I just want it finished and off my painting desk ASAP.I think my annoyance with it might be down to a couple of factors. Firstly it's the fact that I don't really want to be painting it. I'm...

A horde of progress!

I've been pretty busy over the last week. After getting annoyed with the Land Speeder I was painting for my Thousand Sons and dumping it back in the stripping tub, I decided to take a bit of a break from painting red and gold. I turned my attention instead to the easy...

It’s all in the bases

I've been having a good think about my painting points. 'What else is new?' I hear you ask. Well I've been taking a long hard look at how I approach my projects and how I complete them.It all started on Monday night. I was chatting to  one of the regulars at my...