Keeping up to date and moving forward

In my last post I talked about my hobby mojo coming back and said I'd post again soon. Don't worry, it hasn't abandoned me already, I just wanted to have something completed to show you guys before I put anything up. Work had other ideas though. I've been ridiculously...

And now for something a little different…

It's been a little while since my last post. I really haven't had much of a drive for hobby since I moved into my new flat until the last couple weeks. Part of that has been. How busy I've been, but also being in an entirely new space made it hard to settle down into...

Heresy progress

It's been a few weeks since the Heresy box launched. I'm still in the process of moving, so haven't had a chance to go as crazy with it as if hoped. I've managed to make a start though, so I figured I'd show you guys what I've been up to: After a ridiculous amount of...

I did it!!!

I actually did it!!I reached positive painting figures!For the first time since I started tracking it in late 2017, I've painted more models than I've bought!I got thinking after my last post. With how quickly my Savage Orcs paint up using Contrast, surely I could get...

Back and ready for Heresy

I've been absent from the online hobby sphere for a few weeks. Unfortunately real life has been kicking my arse a bit. I've had to unexpectedly find somewhere new to live, killing my hobby mojo.Luckily that's been resolved just in time for me to go back to getting...