In Midnight Clad

I appear to be well and truly on a Heresy kick. The more news and leaks I see for the upcoming 2.0 release, the more excited I'm getting. I've got some quite extensive plans for my EC's once the big boxed game releases, but I'm in the slightly annoying position of not...

Catching up part 2

I've had a pretty busy few weeks, but now that Pokemon Regionals have come and gone (I bombed, in case you were wondering), I finally have a chance to sit down and write the promised part two of my previous post. This will serve as a sort of bookend to the mass...

Catching Up Part 1

Wow, has it really been over a month since I posted anything on here? Oops.I'll freely admit that it was mostly down to laziness. I've gotten a fair amount of stuff done, I just couldn't be bothered to write posts about it. I guess that's come back to hire me!I got so...

Beasties and Pox

If there's one thing that can be said about my level of hobby progress, it's that I'm consistently inconsistent!I spent the better part of a week basically doing nothing, then once again I churned out loads in a couple of days.I decided to take quick break from my...

More generic Elf progress

I seem to be doing hobby in fits and starts atm. After a week and a half of not touching a brush at all, I finished work early the other night, sat down to paint and somehow cranked out about 8 hours of hobby time!Can't really argue with tbh. I've just got to roll...