Generic Elf Progress

I've had a pretty quiet hobby week. As predicted, me being back at work has somewhat sapped my energy for working on anything hobby related. I'll try and rectify that this week though, as I'll have a few more days to myself. Luckily you don't have to miss out on...

Keep ’em coming

My goal to stay focused on existing projects going in 2022 seems to be paying off. I managed to get a Deff Dread done for my Orks in the last couple of days: Considering that it's been sat on my to do pile since the summer with just the basecoats down, it's rather...

*Makes Helicopter noises*

After pledging to try to finish off my existing projects this year, I seem to have started the new year off on the right note: Granted these were started in 2021 but they're done now and that's what matters.I've actually been plugging away at these on and off for a...

2021 Review

As 2021 draws to a close and we go hurtling into 2022 with frightening speed, its time for my usual look back at my hobby year and forward at the year ahead. It's always nice to do these kinds of posts as it gives me a chance to see how far I've come in the last 12...

Solutions and Dabblings

After several months of my Hobby Pledges sidebar being frozen uselessly in place due to Google screwing up the edit function, I've finally found a workaround for it. The sidebar is pretty much useless to me without learning html, so the entire section has been moved...