Kits log supplemental…

Kits log supplemental…

So it was brought to my knowledge I hadn't posted pics of the finished white scars. Here's a group shot of the 2000pt list.Also here's a work in progress pic of the tohaa troops.-kit
Weekend work 15-02-14

Weekend work 15-02-14

Again trying to keep the blog up to date. Ive got into Infinity and Batman in a big way. Love the concept of both games and really adore the minis. I haven't seen the black GW helicopters above my head yet, but im sure they are on their way to bring me back to the...
The road so far…..

The road so far…..

To the tune of "Carry on wayward Son - Kansas".So, Doubles tournament in jan. I decided to repaint my bike army to the colours it should be. The white scars are progressing VERY behind schedule, I blame Assassins Creed 4, Halo:Reach, Halo 4, and other...


Well, ive just bought tickets for another tournament. This means its time to reanimate the blog.So the tournament is the jan 2014 doubles. I dont have a partner decided yet, but i know what im taking. My white scars.... Now i have all the models bought(dettol+crimson...

Doubles Prep!

So, the main thing i started this blog for was to help me prep for a tournament. Well...... the doubles are coming round again. This year its Guard/Space wolves. So without further ado.... The list. Logan 4 wolf guard with 1x(T-Hammer/S-Shield), 1x(dual lightning...