Project 1

i have decided until the end of the year i shall have one project. Imaginatively named.... Project 1. Below is the picture of most of the things to be painted. Yes, Armageddon is going to war!! I'll list everything in that picture later, but yes, thats 2 FULL platoons...

Back, Back in the 6th ed groove

Well, i would be if Royal Mail could deliver on time. But meh. So havent read through the rules, havent re-tweak my lists based on changes, havent got any painting plans. I havent picked up a brush in anger for about 4-5 months. Last night i get a hankering to paint,...

Apoc battle of doom!!

So look at this a mini battle report....This saturday past i had a proper fun apocalypse game! 5000pts of Eldar including a Revanant and a Cobra versus 3000 Spacewolves with a warhound and my 2000pt Flesh tearers.The forces of the imperium decided to keep everything...

ZOMG a post!!

Yeah! be shockered a post!So, the doubles has past. 1 win, 3 losses and a draw. BUT thats not the best bit. ALL of the games were bat shit crazy good fun!! I met some truly awesome people and have kept in touch with some to boot. A total winner of a tournament. I...

February update! + TOMG update

It has been brought to my attention that i hadnt updated my blog, so for those that lurk Im posting :P *points accusatory finger* you know who you are!Sadly, not as much painting done as i'd like purely as i've either been concentrating on the doubles army, to tired...