Another week, more orks

Woops, let the weekly update slide a bit, in my defence i was waiting for the kommandos to dry to get a photo of them. That and i've been super busy.Soo... news. Another game last weekend. Another draw. Its been decided that we are infact playing polar opposite armies...


Well this week wasn't very productive.I did learn how to pick up large amounts of Orks. The game on Wednesday was a massacre. In fact im sure i only took out 5 blood brides the whole game. Hate those trixie pervert pixies.In Saturdays game, it was a REALLY close game....

Ork Home Delivery!

So yeah, plan this weekend was to paint the last of the Nobs so that i could start on more of the boyz tonight. That didnt go according to plan. Mostly due to a large parcel that arrived on Saturday morning. More Orks!!!! So i spent the 'painting time' building...

Orks, fazzzands of them!!!

I was keeping this project as super secret, but meh, i can't keep a secret this cool quiet. Plus i'm gonna be starting to use them in games.So without further ado.... ORKS!!! Theme is around the Blood Axes, but as i also have steel legion guard it would be rude not to...

Finished army

So here it is in all its glory.Really happy how it turned out, the army listing is to the side. If i get time i may paint up the FW khorne herald i have to replace skulltaker, but if not meh.Sooooo next on the paint table we either have 1500pts of Flesh Tearers or...