
To the tones, ironically, of Therapy - Screamager i finally finish the last of the daemon army for the tourney in a week and a bit time. I got a picture of the screamers, but tonight, its an collected army picture. Very happy with it, i tried some new techniques but...


Well, it took all night, but the flamers im putting a little bit extra special care into. I have 1 more finished flamer!!!Apologies, pics were taken on Mr Blackberry. Soon i'll take a photo of the whole army. just 2 more flamers and 5 seekers to go.


Well, still in hospital after opp yesterday. On the plus side, no pain yet. Think I get out today, if I do, I reckon I'll do some basing. Something nice and easy that doesn't kneed(spelling mistake is funny if you knew the opp) any major moving about. From my...

Picts or it didnt happen

Wheee, its amazing how painting 5 minis can boost your 'painted army' point value by 200pts!!!Without further ado, we present.... The Bloodcrushers. The lead crusher is getting his base replaced to match the rest of the army. But that's the Khorne and Nurgle portions...

I created a new colour!!!

It is called Monging Filth! It makes me feel dirty. Tested it on a poor defenceless Daemonette. Meh shes getting a detol bath anyway, ebay purchase.Below are work in progress pics of the Nurgle DP.