Allayah & Barduch (8)

Hi all,Thank you :)@ Malevengion   - good question ;)I think he's more of a companion than a mount, at least that was the initial idea and the original name "Hunting Beast" was supposed to project that idea. A companion and hunting buddy.With Allayah mostly done...

Allayah & Barduch (7)

Hi all,thank you for your feedback and suggestions.After the last update I realized the best position for the dagger would actually cover the two buckles I had already sculpted.So it was time for another operation and Doctor Klaus got to work :)This is now the...

Allayah & Barduch (6)

Hi all,just a very short update today.I didn't get much done last night, but I sculpted some pouches and small bags for Allayah last night. I also rearranged the shoulder strap again - I'm thinking about adding a large bag or a bedroll here.All too soon I started...

Allayah & Barduch (5)

Hi all,thank you for your feedback.Unfortunately I didn't get as many responses as I hoped for, but there is still time :)Gathering the votes from the poll, the comments, and the forums we have 5 favourites.Tentacles = 3 votesMedusa = 3 votesDragon = 4 votesDemon = 3...

Allayah & Barduch (4) – was the Hunting Beast

Hi all,as you can see by the title I finally settled on the names for the two protagonists.The Dragon is Barduch and the girls is Allayah.I started working on the armor for her left arm. But the hair topic kept going around in my head.@ Malevengion - wow! that's...