HERMES MkII Air Assault (3)

Hi all,thank you for your feedback and comments.In my part of Germany the summer is very hot and very humid - murky - and we have quite a lot thunderstorms.One could say Germany now has "rainy season".It makes working and live a bit exhausting, breaking sweat just by...

HERMES MkII Air Assault (2)

Hi all,thank you for your feedback and comments.In case you haven't seen it, I merged all ATHENA posts into one page: be warned, it is huge and will take a long time to load.The build of the HERMES...

HERMES MkII Air Assault (1)

Hi all,thank you for the feedback!Feels funny to be finally done with the ATHENA.I have a collage up at Coolminiornot: score is OK so far.As previously mentioned I have an idea for a dio with a militarized version of the HERMES...

ATHENA finished

Hi all,thank you! You're feedback is making me all mush inside :P As promised some good images of the final ATHENA. I still owed you another scale shot of the Eisenkerns with the WH40K troopers and the TTGG officer.Finally done with painting, I cleaned...

ATHENA Steampunk Airship (116) and FINISHED!

So this is it!I'm done - the ATHENA is complete :)The final leg was somehow exhausting and I had the feeling those 5 troopers were reluctant to be finished.All kind of things were more important than those 9 dudes on my desk :)But here they are shortly before the...