HERMES Shuttle (3) – ATHENA Steampunk Airship (111)

Hi all,as usual thank you for the feedback, comments and emails :)I hope you had a great weekend with lots of family- and hobby-time.Some of you have asked me for a scale-/comparison-shot of the Eisenkerns and TGG compared to teh 40K Guards.  Here's a 40K...

HERMES Shuttle (2) – ATHENA Steampunk Airship (110)

Hi all,thank you for the comments and feedback :)As promised to Malevengion here's what I've planned for the passengers.I absolutely want to try these Eisenkern Stromtroopers and these Female Panzerjägers. Both sets are from Dreamforge Games, come at a...

HERMES Shuttle (1) – ATHENA Steampunk Airship (109)

Hi all,thank you all for your feedback on the ATHENA :)Unbelievable, but she's done - everything left is now Eye Candy. Whatever is not finished now won't hurt the ATHENA at all.But I still have many ideas for the ATHENA.The painters and welders on the ATHENA will be...

ATHENA – Steampunk Airship (108)

Hi all,I'm back :)The trip to Scotland was great!We had excellent weather, visited SAS country, did some boat trips, listened to many Pipers, and enjoyed the local pub-live :) Scotland really is worth the trip :)And against fears, the ATHENA...

ATHENA – Steampunk Airship (107)

Hi all,thank you for the positive feedback :)@Malevengion  and Tuskar Schwarzhorn- thank you :)Yes, I think it is time for the old lady to be finally completed. She survived 3 cats and began to think she was cursed. Currently we are without cats - so what...