A Meeting of Scouts (6)

Hi all,just a small paint update.Here you can see the base with the pigments - before varnish. With the base mostly done, I started the vehicles. Since the scouts will operate outside any of the major settlements they will not receive the urban camo I used on the...

A Meeting of Scouts (5)

Hi all,A bit of time passed since the last update.But I was able to complete the build-phase for this dio.I created the vision ports for the KAIROS, as well as the sights and lights. And mounted them - for this I had to remove the smoke launchers on the...

A Meeting of Scouts (4)

Hi all,last night I was able to work some more on the turret.After sanding the turret looks quite nice.And with the Lasers mounted on the KAIROS Noble Korhedron over at Warseer wrote:New turret is grand, just don't expect me to believe a man can fit in there!!...

A Meeting of Scouts (3)

Hi all,thank you for the feedback :)One thing left for the PHRIKE were antennae. So I heated some plastic from a leftover sprue and slowly pulled it apart, creating nice thin antennae. Since it is a scout tank, I opted for 3 antennae. This completed the...

Product Review: Trumpeter 1946 Track Links

Hi all,after the rather traumatic experience with the rubber tracks for the EPIALES vehicle, I decided to try the Trumpeter plastic track links instead.For this PHRIKE vehicle I used the suspension, road wheels, return roller and drive sprocket of the Trumpeter T-54B...