(Chrome) Assassin – Ilse Sturmfeder (3)

Hi all,I hope some of you are still with me - with the low frequency and erratic topics rather surprising :)Since the last update I did make some progress with Ilse.Slow, but progress nevertheless.First I started with the brown ground color.As you can see it's rather...

(Chrome) Assassin – Ilse Sturmfeder (2)

Hi all,process with Ilse was slow, as I had to stop often and at least partially cure some of the clay to preserve details.Since the last update I completed her left arm. and finished the hand (with the Lilly cat in the background). The right arm and...

(Chrome) Assassina – Ilse Sturmfeder (1)

Wow, it's been a while...Sorry for the long break, but it was a nice summer, and only some small projects.The first project was a commission (yes, normally I don't o commissions, but this was for an aunt of mine). It is a birthday gift for an hobby archer, conducting...

Bian the Red – finished

Hi all,as time was running out, I had to rush to complete Bian. I had to completely re-paint her skin.But it was really worth it :) Even though the flames from the braziers aren't as bright as I wanted them, The overall result is good.  So...

Bian the Red (5)

Hi all,wow the last week was very hot over here in Germany. We had between 30° and 40°Celsius (86°-104° Fahrenheit) for the last two weeks.It was so hot, the paint dried before it reached the miniature ;-)Actually I didn't really feel like painting at all, but since I...