Gen Con/NOVA Prep:  Where has the time gone

Gen Con/NOVA Prep: Where has the time gone

First, the news coming out of BoW has been enlightening.  I am looking forward to all the changes and seeing how they play out.  Before that can happen there are a few events I need to get ready for.  That would be Gen Con and NOVA.  Boy am I...
Gen Con Prep: Kill This Guy!

Gen Con Prep: Kill This Guy!

So...I started working on my lists for the tournaments Gen Con.  My strategy has been playing "find and kill my opponent's LT" and robbing them of effectively leading their forces.  It is a risky plan but it has been something that has generally done very...
Road to NOVA: Crushing Pressure

Road to NOVA: Crushing Pressure

I will say the one thing I like about painting models for Infinity is your not painting 300 of the same model.  The only issue I have had is keeping focus.  I have a bad case of "Army ADHD" and that has me wondering.  Thus it has taken me awhile to get...
Infinity WIP: Get your motor running

Infinity WIP: Get your motor running

Started a few weeks ago on my Kum bikers.  I have used my Arogotos as proxies and have been made fun of mercilessly.  I have to say though that the bikes have been performing great for me.  While being bullet magnets, they are really useful and at 11pts...
Kill the head and the body dies!

Kill the head and the body dies!

Saturday June 28th was the team tournament at Games and Stuff.  After a rough week, I was looking forward to playing. I wasn't supposed to be available for the tournament.  Things of course fell into place and I went.  I was odd the odd man out.  I...