Road to NOVA: Blogger Ate My Update

Road to NOVA: Blogger Ate My Update

I went to RSA Conference in San Francisco last week and wrote an update about a game I had prior to going;.  I used the same list from the tournament but it went much better.  I have to say that I learned a lot but unfortunately the Blogger app ate it and I...
Road to NOVA: Like a kick in the teeth

Road to NOVA: Like a kick in the teeth

Saturday was Games & Stuff's 300pt Infinity Spec Ops tournament.  The event was my first real tournament outside of the beginner event at Titan.  The players were good and the event was run smoothly and without issues.  I want to thank John for...
Road to NOVA: Malifools with Matt Stanley

Road to NOVA: Malifools with Matt Stanley

Matt Stanley (one of the guys who are running Malifaux at NOVA) gives an interview in the latest Malifools Daily.  He gives a lot of info on what they will be doing at NOVA.  Give it a listen.
Road to NOVA: The First Steps in a New System

Road to NOVA: The First Steps in a New System

This is the start of this year's journey to NOVA.  Last night, I bought my badge and event tickets.  This is my third NOVA and the first time I will not be participating in the 40k GT.  I will be participating in the Infinity and possibly Malifaux (if...