Road to NOVA: Drowning in Kroot

Road to NOVA: Drowning in Kroot

My opponent backed out due to over sleeping until 1:45 in the afternoon.  I guess people have lives.  It's not like he missed a tournament that he was talking shit about to mow his lawn.  It's also not like he wasn't complaining the day before that Tau...
Road to NOVA: The Home Stretch

Road to NOVA: The Home Stretch

NOVA is 21 short days away.  Very little room for change in my list and a ton of painting to remain.  I begin looking at what won't get done versus what will get done.  Battle damage will probably not happen.  A lot of the detail work won't be...

Road to NOVA: Tau v. Blood Angels

After a horrendous attempt to put on decals and then remove them, I really needed a real game.  So I went down to Chuck's for a little 40k on my Birthday.  Having repaired the damage I inflicted on my Skyray and everything packed up, I knew that I needed to...
Road to NOVA: Progress Report

Road to NOVA: Progress Report

I stare down at my hobby table cluttered and littered with unfinished toy soldiers.  I then look at the calendar and think, "yeah...going to be cutting it close." Yesterday was a "what is left?" day.  I know I have a mess of Kroot that I am avoiding. ...