Blog Exhange

It's simple and fun.  You have a blog and I have a blog.  Let's exchange links.  Just post your link in the comments and I will add you.

Road to NOVA: Hobby Update

With 45 days left to get ready for NOVA, things are slowly progressing.  I set aside this weekend to get the remaining Riptide done. That didn't happen.  My Friday and Saturday were taken up by in-laws but I managed to get a surprising amount of work done....

Road to NOVA: Space Wolves vs Tau 1500pts

This has been the first Wednesday that I could make it to the club and looks like the last for the rest of the month (unless I drag my kids with me at the end of the month) and I had a challenger.  One of the new members and I chatted a few months ago about...

Road to NOVA: Practice Makes Perfect

So I am at the point where everything is built and I need to start play testing. Some guys I occasionally play with had a spot in their 1750 team match. Slightly less than NOVA but will get me used to running the units. I brought a slightly modified list and teamed...