I don’t know what is right anymore?

I picked up everything from my army except for the commander.  I have been looking for a Tau commander for my NOVA list.  I was thinking of picking up a Shadowsun since the weapon loadout is what my commander is running (two fusion).  The issue is I...

Road to NOVA: Test Run Complete

Play Todd (SincaiN40k) Saturday.  We got to a late start and we called it early due to time issues (and his lack of sleep due to a teething baby, ouch).  It was an interesting game.  I can see why the "Skytide" list is so good.  While I wasn't...

The Road to NOVA: Net Listing Your Way to Victory

One of my earlier posts I talk about getting lists off the net and using them.  I need to start clarifying that.  The net can be a great place to gather ideas on what works and what doesn't.  It can also be a place of much fail.  That brings up...

Blog Exchange

It's simple and fun.  You have a blog and I have a blog.  Let's exchange links.  Just post your link in the comments and I will add you.

Hobby: Murphy’s Law

I have been happy that everything has been going great with getting the Tau built and painted.  My first Riptide is coming along well. As are my Kroot. I lucked out and bought some kroot off of Dameon Green.  Some pre-painted.  Some needing TLC. Some...