Road to NOVA: The Network

Last time, I discussed the basics of what a list should have.  Today, I am going to discuss another important thing about list building.  It's all in who you know.  If you are going solo in your list building, your doing it wrong.  I am going to...

Distraction is the Mind Killer

Yesterday my ADD kicked in and I managed to organize the hell out of my painting area.  Mainly organizing my shelving.  I was shocked at the amount of work that got done and how much space I freed up.  Still need to get better organized but I was pretty...

Road to NOVA: List Building

I am working on a few list ideas and after listening to friends and a number of podcasts I have started working on a few items that lists should cover.  A while ago, I posted a list from a friend that covers what you should build into your lists for Warmachine....

The Quandry: Fluff or Being Cheap

I am looking at once again taking Vanilla Marines and IG to NOVA.  I was thinking of running two blob squads of IG versus the vet squads I ran last year.  The issue I have is I don't have 70 IG.  I do have 70 cultists and most have similar...

Exploding paint and creating missions for Chuck’s Brawl.

I swore I was going to get enough done on the Scout Snipers that I would be able to join the torso with the legs.  I was doing some of the metal work on the guns.  I was going to see if I can get a better color than the Vallejo Model Air "black metal" by...