1000 Point Space Marine vs. Eldar/Dark Eldar

"The Mik" came over for a quick game on his way back up to New Jersey. I played the following list against his Eldar/Dark Eldar: Lysander 5 Terminators 2x Scouts with Sniper Rifles 2x Stormtalon with Skyhammer Missiles 2x Thunderfire Cannons Mission: Modified Scouring...

For the Emperor!

About a year or so ago, I started working on a Black Templar army.  The primary colors were black and yellow to symbolize their devotion to their primarch and to show that even the Codex Arstartes cannot break their link.  When 6th edition dropped, I shelved...

Hobby Updates: What to Play?

On the hobby front, I have a lot going on.  I have been slowly adding new parts to my SM army but plan on changing the paint scheme.  I am picking up from where I left off with the BT Crusade I was working on and moving over to Imperial Fists.  I plan...

Chuck’s Comics 40k Rumble in Downtown Essex!

Chuck’s Comics 40k Rumble in Downtown Essex!(Berk’s Assault Style Event) “An anomaly has appeared in the warp. Psykers from all around begun to sense it’s pull. Fleets have navigated through the warp to reach the Hive World of Maryland. Where fleets battle each other...

Secret Weapon Miniatures: Congrats! Your Going to be Broke!

Actual email to Mr. Justin: Dear Mr. Justin, When I missed out on your limited offer for a tablescape board on Kickstarter (who would have thought they would sell out in an hour), I thought I could resist.  I was doing so well until you posted those city street...